La valise de maternité d’été

Summer maternity suitcase

The final stretch before the long-awaited meeting. With the final preparations in the baby's room, it's time to start packing your maternity suitcase. Are you due this summer? After, our almost perfect birth list, discover in this article our special summer maternity suitcase!

No matter what the season, every mother at some point wonders what she should pack for maternity. It's best to start packing before 37sa, so you're ready for the big day. Well, that's the "Do as I say, not as I do" bit, because a week before Romy was born, we hadn't even set up her bed 🙂
So don't stress if this is your case too!

In my maternity suitcase, there are :

Before making a non-exhaustive list of essentials. Let's go back to a frequently asked question: "What size should I take for my baby's arrival?" The estimated weight announced at the 3rd ultrasound is a good indicator. If your baby weighs more than 3.5 kilos, there's no need to splash out on "birth size" clothes, which will already be too small. Go straight for a 1-month or even 3-month size.

Then there's the question of temperature! In winter, there's no need to worry. We take our velvet pyjamas and wool cardigans with us. But you're giving birth in July and it's 30°C, so what should you take? For the first few hours, the clothes you put on your baby will be the same as those you would have worn in winter. After spending 9 months at 37°C, your little one will need a little time to acclimatize. So don't forget your hat and booties, as heat escapes mainly through the extremities. Once the first few hours have passed, you can gradually get to know him better, depending on the temperature of your room. Don't hesitate to ask the midwives for advice.

For baby? :

  • 5 bodies Petit Bateau. For us, the basis of bodysuits: beautiful, quality and resistant! We prefer organic cotton.
  • 3 pyjamas. Why not opt for second-hand purchases for these essentials, which are often in excellent condition because they're rarely worn? Check out Vinted, Il était plusieurs fois or Pop Noisette.
  • 2 cardigans: we love the little cardigans from Bonton.
  • One or two cotton diapers. Discover our BABY SLEEPS & MAMA FEEDS multi-purpose diapers.
  • 4 pairs of socks.
  • A sleeping bag
  • 2-3 bibs.
  • 1 maternity outfit: Poudre Organic offers beautiful baby clothes, soft and elegant, easy to wear and mix (and of course always in organic cotton).
  • A pacifier if you wish.
  • A little nightlight so you can get up at night without having to turn on the bright lights in your maternity room.

Depending on the maternity hospital, baby care and diapers are provided. You should be given a list when you register. If not, here's what we recommend:

  • A pack of diapers in Size 1 or 2 Joone (organic) depending on your baby's stated weight.
  • A mild liquid soap (such as Minois Paris which offers natural care products made in France) if you wish to bathe your baby. You are under no obligation to do so during your stay in the maternity ward!
  • Saline solution.
  • Cotton pads.

For mom?

Choose comfort for the duration of your stay in the maternity ward:

  • A book or two. If you're short of inspiration, we've selected for you several books that we particularly like.
  • A "swiss ball" (Klein ball) to soothe you during contractions.
  • Our skin-to-skin headband From Bump to Baby.
  • 2 or 3 breastfeeding-friendly nightgowns if you're breastfeeding.
  • Two maternity leggings in which you feel comfortable.
  • 3 or 4 loose-fitting T-shirts.
  • 2 nursing bras if you plan to breastfeed and moisturizing nipple cream such as Melicare or Vea.
  • Your nursing pillow.
  • Our Carry & Pack which you can use for babywearing and skin-to-skin.
  • A large bath towel and bathrobe.
  • 2 washcloths.
  • Special "maternity" sanitary towels. Choose unscented ones to avoid irritation.
  • Toiletry bag with intimate hygiene soap, toothbrush, hairbrush and other hygiene products.
  • Phone charger.
  • Jolly Mama squares.
  • An outfit for the day of the outing.
  • Anything to make you happy!

For the delivery room?

Alongside your maternity suitcase, you can also prepare a small bag for the delivery room:

  • Your medical file with your latest check-ups, your identity card, your carte vitale, your health insurance and your rhesus card.
  • A baby blanket.
  • A bathrobe, depending on where you're giving birth. If you've opted for a "physio" birth in a natural or technical delivery room, this may be useful.
  • A baby outfit including a long-sleeved bodysuit, velvet pyjamas, a woollen cardigan, a bonnet, socks/slippers and small gloves if necessary.
  • A swimsuit if you wish to give birth in a natural or technical room.
  • 1 spray bottle to cool you down
  • some music.

What about the second parent?

The role of the father or second mother is to pamper the mother who is about to give birth!

Childbirth is often compared to a marathon. Mom and baby are going to need you. So here are our essentials to help her get through this stage as smoothly as possible:

  • A relaxing playlist of music she loves, to help her feel good.
  • Massages. Don't hesitate to gently massage her back, feet, legs and hands. All this, of course, should make her feel better. If mom needs space, we'll let her have it!
  • Herbal teas.
  • A bathing suit if you're in a nature or technical room.
  • Comfortable clothes.
  • The family record book or an early acknowledgement for the declaration.
  • And above all, words of love!

We hope all this has helped you! Don't hesitate to write to us if you think we've forgotten something! 🙂