Whether it's for a special occasion or just to please her, you're looking for a useful gift idea for a pregnant woman in your life. In this article, we share our best suggestions for pampering your partner, sister, friend, cousin, colleague...!
Gifts and attentions to take care of a pregnant woman
1. Offer her your time
The first thing you can do for a pregnant woman you love, and be sure to please her, is to devote some time in your schedule to her. Depending on her needs and personal circumstances, these moments can be allocated :
- Preparing delicious meals.
- To look after her elders.
- Cleaning, tidying, sorting.
- Going for a walk, a chat, shopping...
2. Home care
Massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, hairdressing... Several options are available, and many professionals offer to come to your home. This will allow her to relax and devote time to herself, and could be very useful at the end of her pregnancy when she can no longer reach her feet, for example!
3. A subscription to a meal box
Because in many households, it's still the woman who manages the meals and the housekeeping (yes, that still exists in 2023!), these boxes, which offer all-inclusive packs of recipes and ingredients over a set period of time, take the mental load out of menus and shopping. By lightening your pregnant wife's daily routine, you'll give her more time to rest and take care of herself. The little extra: these boxes allow you to choose meals according to culinary preferences. Between the prohibitions of pregnancy, the side effects and the sometimes bizarre cravings of expectant mothers, this is very useful!
For example, you could introduce her to Hello Fresh, Quitoque or a 100% organic version with Rutabago!
And of course, a big thought for those dads and dads-to-be who manage the daily chores and the little dishes like nobody else, because there are a lot of them and it's good to say so!
4. An osteopathic or chiropractic session
Digestive problems, backache, ligament pain, contractions, haemorrhoids... Pregnancy isn't always glamorous, and some women who accumulate these symptoms don't experience the period very positively. Osteopathy and chiropractic are manual therapies that treat all these discomforts by taking into account the body as a whole. So don't hesitate to recommend an osteopath or chiropractor to the pregnant women in your life, and offer them this precious time. Bonus: if things go well, she'll have someone to add to her post-pregnancy "team" whom she can consult for herself and her baby!
5. An appointment with a lactation consultant
If you're aware of the desire of the woman you're giving this gift to to breastfeed, she'll benefit greatly from it! She'll be able to ask all her questions, put her mind at rest and prepare her breastfeeding project. She'll have a privileged person to contact when she finds herself lost with a baby who's struggling to feed, breasts as hard as wood, or conflicting advice from maternity ward nurses. And there you have it, a contact to add to your post-pregnancy "team"!
Pregnancy gifts
6. A post-partum book
Over the past few years, the post-partum period has finally become a topic of discussion, a time of great upheaval in a woman's life. By offering a book on the subject, you can help her prepare for this period and get through it as serenely as possible. We'll give you a helping hand with our selection 😉
- "Living the fourth trimester naturally
- "the golden month: living well in the first month after giving birth "
- "The dream postpartum life "
7. A maternity pillow
A gift for the first weeks of pregnancy! For a first child, pregnant women often wait until they're well rounded before buying a maternity cushion, but it's an accessory that quickly becomes indispensable for sitting or lying down and relieving the body when carrying a child. It's particularly useful for cradling and sleeping at night!
8. A photo session
To immortalize this very special time, and give your baby something to remember. Whether in the studio, at home or outdoors, alone or with the family, the possibilities are endless! Ideally, the photo session should take place around the 7th month, when the belly is well rounded, but the mother-to-be can still move with a minimum of grace 😉.
9. A pregnancy bola
This jewel, suspended from a long cord, is placed on the round belly of an expectant mother and emits crystalline sounds as she moves. The fetus perceives these sounds as early as the second trimester of pregnancy. It's both a good-luck charm and a link with the baby. In recent years, the range has multiplied, allowing everyone to choose according to their style. For our part, we really like the ones from Ilado and customizable bolas from atelier Aismée.
10. A subscription to a film and series platform
Let's face it, at the end of pregnancy or when you're bedridden, you've got to keep busy when your body's crying out for rest! Netflix, Amazon, OCS, Canal - the choice is yours, so mom-to-be can fill up on entertainment without leaving her couch. Don't hesitate to offer several months' access, as this could prove useful during the post-partum period too!

11. The perfect maternity bra!
We can't give you ideas for useful gifts for a pregnant woman without mentioning our "Day n' Night" bra."Day n' Night! Seamless and underwired, it offers unrivalled comfort and is a true pregnancy essential. It can be worn day and night, providing all the support and softness your breasts need. You can offer it on its own or combine it with our matching bandeau. These two items can also be worn after delivery.
Whatever your budget, you'll find a way to please the mother-to-be!
⏭️Discover also our almost perfect birth list!