The arrival of a newborn at home is a profound emotional upheaval. We spend hours carrying and observing them, while adapting our organization to this new life. Newborns want to be close to you, on you and in your arms. Chances are, you'll find it hard to part with them for the first few days too. This is completely NORMAL, and we can only encourage you to make the most of these sweet moments.
Daily life is also disrupted, because while your baby needs your arms, you also need them to carry out your usual tasks, such as working, cooking, going for walks and, most importantly for parents with more than one child, being there for your other children. For example, holding hands with your grown-up while carrying your newborn!

Carrying your baby has been around since the dawn of time. Nomads used to carry their babies in order to travel with them more efficiently. These habits were more or less forgotten in Western countries with the advent of the stroller at the end of the 18th century. However, traditional carriers are still used to carry children in many countries around the world.
In recent years, we have gradually rediscovered the benefits of babywearing for both parent and child. Indeed, this tradition has (re)gained popularity in Western countries.
The benefits of babywearing
for both parent and child:
Babywearing reassures and soothes your child
Worn babies cry less. According to a 1986 study by Professors Bar and Hunziker, a baby who is carried for at least two hours a day cries less, especially in the evening. So, the more you carry your baby, the more soothed he'll feel, the less he'll cry and the more time he'll spend in a state of calm observation. The good news is that it's during these moments that babies learn the most!
Babywearing promotes cognitive and social development
As we've already mentioned, babies who are carried cry less. They spend more time learning and interacting with their environment. They see what you see, hear what you hear or what you tell them. Overall, they are more involved in your daily life.
What's more, having your baby close by means you can respond to his signals and touch him more. All this enhances learning, cognitive development and general well-being.
Babywearing is good for your baby's health
Babywearing allows you to carry your child in a position that is beneficial to his or her physical health and development (provided you choose a physiological carrying accessory). It helps prevent flat-head syndrome and can aid digestion, especially if your little one is prone to colic or reflux. Babies in a babywearing accessory also learn to use their muscle groups to balance themselves.
And contrary to popular belief, most babies in a baby carrier walk early!
Babywearing gives you a special bond with your baby
When you carry your baby, you're more likely to talk and interact with him or her. Babywearing is often defined as a "womb with a view". Worn, your baby regains some of the sensory perceptions he experienced during his 9 months in utero: the reassuring rhythm of your heartbeat, the gurgling of your body, the rocking of your movements, the sound of your voice. Babywearing is an excellent way of reconnecting with your baby once he or she has come into the world.
Babywearing reduces the risk of post-partum depression
In a previous article, we talked about post-partum and that curious fourth trimester. Babywearing is an invaluable ally in helping you to grow as parents and to trust each other. Carrying your baby can help you break social isolation by making it easier to go for walks, get active or meet up with friends. Finally, babywearing increases the amount of time spent skin-to-skin with your baby, which studies suggest has a direct impact on reducing the risk of post-partum depression.
Babywearing stimulates lactation
Holding your baby close to you also stimulates lactation, thanks to higher levels of oxytocin. When you're carrying your baby, you're more receptive to your child's hunger signals and can respond more quickly.
For breastfeeding moms, we've inserted snaps inside the garment to make it easier to breastfeed while you're carrying your child, or during a break at a café, for example.

Babywearing makes travelling easier
Portage lets you go places without having to push a stroller or carry it from one place to another. It keeps your hands free and makes it easier to get up and go when you want to run a quick errand. Forget the hassle of the subway and its endless stairs, or the streets too narrow for a stroller... babywearing is all terrain!
Snug against you, your baby is protected from intruders
People love babies. This sweet feeling, however, leads them to come and touch your child without asking for your consent (a bit like those who come and touch your belly when you're pregnant 🙂 ). Carrying your child with a babywearing accessory keeps your baby nestled in a protected little cocoon, keeping unfamiliar hands away!
The MAMA HANGS range also lets you keep the same garment on all day long, thanks to its innovative system. Once closed, no one will notice it's a babywearing accessory.