Bébé d’hiver: comment se préparer ?

Winter baby: how to prepare?

Having a winter baby: advantage or disadvantage? Everyone has their own opinion on the subject, and it's a very personal experience. What's more, scheduling a birth isn't easy! If you can't choose, you can prepare yourself and look on the bright side!

What to pack in your maternity suitcase for a winter baby?

We've already shared a lot of information with you in our article on the summer maternity suitcase. So you can start again from this base, adding clothes that will be particularly useful if you give birth in winter.

It's often very hot in hospital rooms, as newborn babies can't yet regulate their temperature. Despite the warmth inside, don't trust your own feelings - your baby needs to be covered up!

For his or her birth outfit, bring :

  • a cotton bodysuit (with wrap-around opening)
  • thick pyjamas
  • a soft bonnet
  • a warm cardigan
  • a pair of socks or booties

For nights spent in the maternity ward, bring a sleeping bag. You can also bring a nursing blanket. Finally, our From Bump to Baby" headband will come in very handy if you're looking for a little skin-to-skin time.

As a mom, you won't be cold in your room, but for journeys through the hospital corridors, bring a warm vest to keep you warm and comfortable. For the rest of your clothes, remember that your little one will be spending time on you. Soft, natural materials are therefore preferable.

What can you do to manage your baby's thermal regulation at home?

The return to your cocoon is often eagerly awaited, but new questions arise. Your home isn't heated like the maternity ward, so you're wondering whether your baby is cold! To find out, it's simple: touch his neck! If he's warm, he's fine, even if his hands indicate otherwise!

On the other hand, if you notice that your little one is clammy or sweating, you can remove a layer of clothing.

How do I dress my winter baby for the night?

A room temperature of 19 degrees is sufficient during this season. Nevertheless, opt for a warm sleeping bag. Sleeping bags each have a TOG rating, so you can choose according to thermal conditions. The higher the TOG, the warmer the sleeping bag.

Here are some guidelines to help you prepare your baby for the night:

  • Between 16 and 17 degrees: long-sleeved bodysuit + thick pyjamas + winter TOG sleeping bag + socks.
  • Between 18 and 19 degrees: remove socks and choose a lighter sleeping bag.
  • Between 19 and 21 degrees: short-sleeved bodysuit + lighter pyjamas + winter turbulette

What equipment do I need to take my baby out in winter?

If your maternity leave takes place in winter, try to get some fresh air with your newborn on a regular basis. This will be good for your morale, and will enable you to get back into gentle physical activity. However, when temperatures drop, it can be difficult to know how to dress your little one.

Carry your baby, in a baby carrier or in a sling, is a good way to keep him or her warm against you.

Whether it's for you or your baby, it's important not to put too many layers inside a babywearing accessory (whatever it may be). Dress your baby in the same way as when he's at home. No racing suits should be worn inside the carrier. Similarly, avoid pyjamas with feet, which could cause baby to lean into a non-physiological position. Both you and your baby must be covered over the baby carrier! When the weather's cool but not yet wintry, our Motherhood/Fatherhood sweatshirt is ideal: you slip it on, slip baby inside and you're both cocooned in warmth!

When winter arrives and you need more coverage, either invest in a babywearing coat, which generally allows you to wear both front and back, or wear an oversized jacket to keep everyone well covered.

Of course, baby's extremities must be protected with a hat, gloves and booties.

Last but not least, keep baby's airways clear.

For stroller outings, your little one can be wrapped up in a pilot suit. Choose a model that slips on easily, with front zippers. In the stroller, you can place him in an angel's nest or a footmuff where he'll be snug and warm.

Always take a blanket to complete your equipment in case of need.

A winter baby also comes with its share of unexpected outings, forcing you to let go of timing! You may fall victim to the classic parenting situation: after spending 20 minutes bundling up your little one and getting everything ready, you hear or feel that it's time to change his diaper! It probably won't make you laugh at the time, but like many parents' experiences, it makes for great anecdotes later on!

As a general rule, avoid unnecessary trips in rainy or cold weather. Walks should remain a pleasure!

💡Have you heard of Scandinavian siestas? In northern European countries, it's customary for children to sleep outside during the day. This method is beneficial to babies' health and sleep, and offers parents great flexibility for outings, even in winter! Naturally, safety rules must be observed (not before 2 weeks of age and 4 kg, temperature above -10 degrees), and your little one must be equipped and monitored regularly.

What about viruses?

One of the most common fears of mothers of winter babies is winter viruses! It's only natural to want to protect your little one and delay the onset of the first illnesses.

It's not the cold or the outdoors that give your baby germs, but contact with infected people. So, in winter, at the risk of offending family and friends, try to prevent your baby from being passed from arm to arm. By now, people are used to barrier gestures: you can still encourage them to wash their hands when they visit you!

If you're breastfeeding and you're sick, you'll be passing on your antibodies to your baby, who will surely avoid catching your virus.

Last but not least, the main vector of germs is often the presence of older people in the community.

💡This fun experiment with glitter teaches them to wash their hands properly before approaching their little brother or sister!

How to keep busy in winter during maternity leave?

Your baby is due to arrive in winter and you're worried about getting bored during your maternity leave? To begin with, this is quite rare, as caring for an infant is a very demanding activity. 🙂

Take advantage of this period to treat yourself. It's the perfect time to cocoon with your little one snuggled up against you. Fill up on herbal teas, sweet treats and movies and TV shows to catch up on! Arrange your living room or bedroom so that everything you need is close at hand: water, tissues, diaper your telephone, a snack etc.

If you need to move around or take care of the house, a baby carrier or a baby-carrier garment will enable you to keep your baby close to you in almost all your activities at home.

Finally, if you can, think of yourself! A soft cream to moisturize you, a candle with a comforting scent, beautiful and comfortable clothes, etc... It's a unique time, and you'll be devoted to your baby, but you mustn't forget yourself, even if it's winter!

We hope this article will help you anticipate the arrival of your little Capricorn/Pisces ;-)

Don't hesitate to share with us, if you have any other tips for anticipating the arrival of a winter baby