Le portage physiologique, qu’est-ce que c’est?

What is physiological babywearing?

You're expecting a baby or you're a young parent and you hear a lot about physiological babywearing, but the people around you (and the Internet) tell you all sorts of things. It's not easy to make up your mind on the subject. We'd like to take a look at what's going on in this article.

Before talking about physiological babywearing, let's take a look at physiology and what defines it.

Physiology studies the mechanical, physical and biochemical functioning of a living being within a given environment. In other words, physiology is concerned with the way in which our body should function in a normal way.

Physiological babywearing is therefore nothing other than the way in which a baby should be carried, while respecting the way his or her body functions.

Whether carried on the arm or with the aid of various accessories, babywearing is inevitable and can be an indispensable ally in the life of young parents. But it's important to know how this simple act, which has been performed since the dawn of time, should be practiced.

An innate gesture?

That's it, baby's here. Before he was born, you were determined to become an expert in babywearing and, potentially, for the more adventurous, not to bother with a stroller for your newborn. But then you find yourself confronted with all those tutorials that tell you in 20 minutes how to tie the knot, that seem more complicated than an exo from maths sup - maths spé, and that show moms demonstrating extraordinary dexterity. You try to reproduce them and find yourself with a result far from what you've just seen in pictures. Your baby cries, your nerves give way (thank you, post-partum) and you inexorably start crying for a reason that escapes you (hormones). In short, don't panic, it's NORMAL! Everyone goes through this, and the most important thing is to find the right babywearing solution(s) for you.

We can tell you: you need to learn how to carry your baby properly, and there are a few things you need to do.

The right positions to adopt:

First and foremost, it's important to understand how to carry your baby in your arms, so you can carry him properly in a baby carrier.

Whatever his age, your baby should always be supported by his base, i.e. below his buttocks. His hips should not be forced apart, and his position should appear "natural". Stand in front of a mirror with your baby in your arms and observe how he holds himself.

When carrying your baby, the pelvis must be correctly tilted, and there are a few rules to follow.

A baby's physiology evolves enormously between birth and 12 months.

Here are some diagrams that illustrate perfectly the different positions of a baby during this first year.

evolution colonne de bébé

Your child's spine and natural hip spacing will evolve over the months. That's why it's so important to always respect this evolution, and to choose the right baby carriers.

évolution de la colonne vertébrale de bébé

Before the age of 4 months, your baby will naturally adopt a fetal position, just as it was in the womb. Then, little by little, his posture will evolve, his spine will straighten and his hips will spread further apart.

How can you tell if your baby
is in a good physiological position?

There are several points that are easy to check.

To remember them, use the acronym PHYSIO:

Position: Baby's knees should be higher than his buttocks, his head resting on your chest. (Contrary to popular belief, no support is needed to hold the child's head, as this would create unnecessary pressure. However, the nape of the neck must be maintained).

This position is achieved by tilting the pelvis. His knees and buttocks should form an M shape.

Baby's back is rounded and should form a C shape. His head and spine are well aligned with his pelvis. His hands are within reach of his face. The seat should be wide enough to ensure all these points.

The diagrams below illustrate perfectly a non-physiological baby wrap versus a physiological baby wrap.

As you can see, in this case, the baby is suspended by his genitals, his legs are dangling, the material does not pass under his knees and his back is straight. The baby is thus placed in an absolutely unnatural, or non-physiological, position. In the long term, such a posture can have negative effects on your child's physical development.

In this picture, the position respects all the points mentioned above.

Kissingheight: You should be able to kiss your baby without difficulty.

Eyes: Your baby's face should always be visible, never buried.

Support: Your baby carrier should hold your baby properly. It must not be able to move excessively (which could lead to a fall). Nor should it sag.

Unaltered: Your carrying accessory should be in perfect condition. If any seams appear fragile, make sure they are strong enough to carry your baby or stop using it altogether.

Oxygen: Your baby's airways (mouth and nose) must never be obstructed. You should always be able to slip two fingers between his chin and chest. It's particularly important to be vigilant with babies under 4 months of age, who may suffocate more easily.

Is babywearing facing the world a good idea?

If we had to answer this question succinctly, the answer would be NO.

Indeed, when a baby is carried facing the world, his or her physiology is not respected. Although one or two brands (such as Ergobaby) have developed baby carriers that allow you to keep your baby in a "sitting" position, his back can never be rounded (see previous diagrams).

What's more, if your child is confronted with a frightening external element, he'll never be able to turn around and take refuge against you. It's a bit like someone forcing you to watch a scary movie without you being able to hide your face. How cool is that? Well, it's the same for your baby!

If your child is starting to show an interest in the outside world? Opt for back-carrying. His position will be physiological, and if he feels the need to snuggle up to you, he'll be able to do so!

The different carrying methods:

There are a whole host of babywearing accessories on the market. Here's a list of the main ones.

Woven or stretch-mesh slings:

They all require a minimum of training to learn how to position your child properly and tie knots. Ideally, workshop training with a babywearing instructor is recommended.

Weight should be taken into account when making your choice.

A light weight (under 250g) will work well for newborns.

As your child gains weight, a weight above 250g will be essential for better comfort and support.

Finally, wraps weighing over 300g are suitable for larger babies.

It's important that the mesh or weave is tight enough to ensure optimum support.

Make sure you do your homework before you buy, and steer clear of sites such as Amazon, which offer low-priced products with poor quality and long delivery times. As grandma would say, cheap is always too expensive!

Slings :

A scarf that, again, can be woven or knitted, the sling is fastened by two rings located on the side, below the shoulder. Installation is fairly quick, but the main drawback is that it's an asymmetrical sling. Baby's weight can therefore quickly be felt, as it is less evenly distributed. Once again, this is a very personal feeling, and some parents are not sensitive to it.

Structured baby carriers :

Most often recommended when baby can sit up, they can be adjusted using various straps and fasteners. In most cases, they can be used to carry your child either ventrally or dorsally. Sturdy, they are a good option when your baby's weight increases. Be sure to check that the position is physiological, as some structured baby carriers are not suitable (see "non-physiological position" diagram above).

Mei-tai :

Halfway between a sling and a structured baby carrier, some allow baby to be carried from birth because their structure is much more flexible than that of a structured baby carrier. It consists of an apron and two long straps that you tie like a sling. A great compromise between a sling and a baby carrier.

Innovative Mama Hangs babywear:

At Mama Hangs, we had the idea of creating a brand new category of baby-carrying accessories: baby-carrying clothes. Adapted to the size and morphology of the wearer, they are ultra-easy to install.

Unique in the world, Mama Hangs is an innovative concept. Registered with the WIPO, all our models are made in Portugal from GOTS-certified organic cotton, and can carry your baby from birth to 10kg (maximum 18 months) thanks to a tight 290-gram mesh. Although skin-to-skin garments do exist, our baby carriers are the only ones to have undergone laboratory testing to guarantee a secure fit.

They install in fifteen seconds with great ease, with no knots or straps to keep your hands free.

Safety rules :

Apart from the physiological aspect, it's important to observe certain safety rules when carrying your baby.

Clear the airways:

As we said earlier, it's very important to always check that your little one's airways are always visible and clear. So always read the instructions supplied with your carrying accessory before putting your baby in it.

Vertical carrying is also recommended, and the so-called "hammock" position, in which your baby can end up horizontally, at the bottom of the fabric, is proscribed.


How to dress your baby? The eternal question that all parents ask themselves! It's all the more recurrent when it comes to babywearing.

In winter, you're afraid your baby will be cold, and in summer, you're afraid he'll be hot. We always advise you not to overdress your baby when babywearing.

So, when it's cold, dress him in the same clothes he wears indoors (without a coat), but cover yourself and your baby over your baby carrier. This is best done with babywearing coats or blankets. However, it's important to cover your baby's extremities with a hat, mittens and booties.

In summer, we're less concerned and don't hesitate to put our babies in bodysuits or even diapers. In contact with your body, your baby's temperature will automatically regulate itself. Here again, we'll take care to protect our baby from the sun with a hat and, possibly, sunglasses.


This rule doesn't only apply to babywearing, but it's important to make sure your child is always hydrated, especially in hot weather.

Adapt your activity to babywearing:

It's common sense, but you shouldn't wear your baby during sports activities, in the car or when you're close to a heat source (in the kitchen).

It's also vital to be aware that any movement provoked by your little one can unbalance you and, potentially, cause you to fall. So you must always be vigilant in your every move.

We hope this article has helped you and taught you a few things about physiological babywearing and its safety rules. If you still have questions on the subject, don't hesitate to get in touch with health and babywearing professionals who will be able to give you more details on how your baby should be carried.

You can also write to us at heymama@mama-hangs.com

If you'd like to find out more about babywearing, you can also read our article "8 good reasons to carry your baby" , in which we explain all the advantages of babywearing.